3 Advantages of the Lake Tanglewood Triathlon

The Lake Tanglewood Triathlon is a beautiful triathlon and takes place every year in McKinney Texas. I love triathlons like this because it is primarily a charity event. To date, the event has raised over $750,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network of Amarillo Texas.

The primary goals of the event are to:

  • provide grants for children and accompanying families for travel needs, specialist appointments, outstanding medical bills, and highly specialized medical devices
  • To fund and increase volunteer participation for the Children’s Miracle Network.
  • To raise funds for the Tanglewood Volunteer Fire Department
  • Promote a sense of community and help residence stay fit
  • To engage local triathletes in local events

In 2006, the CDC estimated that the average disability associated healthcare expenditure for a person with a disability in Texas was between $9000- $12,000. With healthcare costs on the rise over the past decade, this number has certainly increased. For parents in the panhandle of Texas who average $54,000 annual household income, this can be an overwhelming expense. Triathletes in around the panhandle of Texas can help support this wonderful mission. By signing up to The Lake Tanglewood Triathlon athletes perform a great work even before crossing the finish line.

Having lived in Texas for a few years as a young boy I remember my time there fondly. There are warm hospitable people, great food, big everything, and lots of open sky. I often drove through the panhandle of Texas with my family. And we would stop for food or sometimes stay in a small town if my parents were tired from traveling.

The Tanglewood Triathlon

400 meter swim

Lake Tanglewood Triathlon - Swim

The swim portion of the Lake Tanglewood Triathlon starts by hopping off of a dock into the lake.   Due to USA Triathlon regulations wetsuits are not allowed over 84F water temperature. If you do wear a wetsuit when the water is above 78F you may not receive and award for your triathlon performance.  Therefore, there is rarely a need for a wetsuit during summer in the Texas Panhandle. You begin swimming a few meters out to a buoy marker. The race begins with a floating start. The swim course is triangular.  After approaching the second buoy you can begin spotting the third buoy, which you will change direction towards. After 400 meters, you will reach the well marked exit point.

The transition from the swim – bike, bike – run (T1, T2)

Upon exiting the Lake Tanglewood Triathlon swim course, you can begin running towards your designated bike area. You can use the number on your arm to help you remember where your bike is located.  

Be sure to remove your helmet and place it in the designated area. If you have any swim related equipment or apparel be sure to place it in the bin or bag that they provide.

After you’ve removed your bike, be sure to walk or run with it to the designated exit area. Race officials will help notify you of the place where you can hop on your bike.

When returning to the transition area from the bike course and going into the run section, be sure to dismount the bike at the assigned area.  Push your bike or carry your bike on foot to your numbered area. Rack your bike. If you need to change your apparel, place your clothes and goodies in the assigned bag/box.  Then you can get to running.

10 mile bike

Lake Tanglewood Triathlon - Bike

After exiting the Lake Tanglewood Triathlon T1, you can get moving on the bike.  The bike course is one loop. It circles back to the same transition are are as T1.  The course is quite flat. It is a closed course. I love closed courses. The feeling of only having to be concerned about other competitors racing saves me mental energy.  The thought of getting hit by vehicles is never nice.

Because this is a short 10 mile race, the bike course can be pushed quite fast.  Be aware of your spacing. Drafting is not allowed at this event. You must remain at least 7 meters, 22 feet, or about 3 bike lengths  away from the person in front of you. Of course you can pass them within a 15 second window, but be sure not to hangout on their rear wheel or you might encour a time penalty.  

As the you finish the bike course be sure to dismount your bike before the transition area.  Now it’s time for the run.

5 kilometer run

Lake Tanglewood Triathlon -runner

The simplest part of the Tanglewood Triathlon is the run.  If you love running, this course is flat and usually dry. Which makes it ideal for the thoroughbread runners.  If you don’t love running, this run section will be not so bad because of the climate. Like the bike course, the run course is on relatively flat ground.  Keep using positive self-talk, keep your form, and stay smiling. As the finish line approaches, enjoy the cheers and get across the line as fast as possible.  

Please Support the Lake Tanglewood Triathlon

This is a charitable event that has a heart warming origin story.  The Lake Tanglewood Triathlon helps keep the local communities of the Texas panhandle aware of outdoor activities that help keep them fit.  It’s a win win all the way around. Please come out and support the kids.